My new health journey


May 19, 2022

A new health journey

Isn’t it always the way.  You start a creative project and it starts out fast, furious and with lots of momentum. Then, suddenly time passes.  Life transpires. And you’ve let that good intention slip down to the bottom of the list.  For me that is my blog from Turkey.  But, I’m back after about two months.

I HAVE to discuss what happened on the health front during February, March and April and then I will get to other adventures.  (Jim will tell you, I HATE dwelling on heath matters , but this is life changing.) After the great care I got healing my torn meniscus in January, I was surprised I kept having swelling and tenderness in my legs – both legs!   And pain. My hands up to my elbow started swelling and I has stiff in all my joints.  I started existing from one dose of ibruprophen to the next.   My left ankle became inflamed and developed blisters.  I saw a vascular doctor first, thinking blood clot.  He sent me to an infectious disease doctor, Dr. Sirhan Keske.  After two rounds of antibiotic, Dr. Keske put me in the hospital.  I was there on intravenous IV antibiotics for 6 days.  (More on this later)

 I went home. I was better. But, I was not well.  By this time Jim was here. (Thank goodness!)  I was walking with the help of a cane, but the painful swelling in my legs, ankles and hands showed no sign of stopping.  Plus, I felt extremely tired.  I could hardly do the work I was required. My mind felt muddled.

 I went to an internal medicine doctor at the American Hospital, thinking he could run some general tests and explore what might be the root of this problem.  He took a good look at me and said, “I am sending you to the best rheumatologist I know.  She is at Koc Medical University.  Dr. Elif Gulbezer.   He got me an appointment the next day. She was my savior. 

It did not take but a few tests for Dr. Gulbezer to determine I have rheumatoid arthritis.  Within two days, I was on a regiment of medication that was miraculous.  Miraculous.  The swelling and pain is gone.  I could walk and do my work again.  I could enjoy the rest of Jim’s visit.  I was so happy and relieved.

But, I understand this is just a beginning.  Dr. Gulbezer took my hand at one point and said, “We are on a journey together.  I will help you.”  Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic condition.  But it is treatable. Thanks to Dr. Gulbezer I am starting on the right foot. 


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