Routine is the same everywhere
October 29, 2020
One of the reasons I wanted to teach overseas was to experience a culture more than just as a tourist. I always say: Turkey was not on my radar, but here I am! I'm settling in to the daily, weekly and monthly routine of it all --or as routine as it gets during a Pandemic!
I wake in the mornings around 5:00. Shower, dress, drink coffee, check the news, grade a bit, or check and answer e-mails. (My students email questions during the night. They're up. I'm not.) Then I'm out the door to meet my regular taxi at 7:00. I've always been an early bird. I do not like to get ready in a panicked rush. So I get to school about 7:15. My temperature is taken at the door and a new mask is offered. (Enka has an unbelievable number of staff for security.) Most other English teachers arrive about 8:00. I like the quiet of a school in the morning. I get chance to set my head on straight, and decide if I'm prepared for the day. If I'm lucky, one of the other English teachers bring in bakery goods to share. It's heavenly. Turkish people like savory over sweet in the morning. I enjoy whatever is brought in hot and ready to eat.
The day begins in a flurry. A few students are back in school...the Prep students (a middle ground between 8th and 9th grade if I understand correctly) and 12th grade. Next week my 9th grade will be here. It's exciting to actually get to meet them. But hybrid teaching is going to be chaotic. Half the class comes Monday, Tuesday. No one comes Wednesday. The other half comes Thursday, Friday. While having bodies in class, I will also have bodies on line. I've been doing this with 12th grade. Sometimes it isn't pretty.
The day consist of teaching, meetings, lunch, more teaching and always afternoon meetings. Then I find my way home to Mashattan Sitesi. My Head of Department gives me a lift somedays, or I get a taxi. Once back in my apartment, I usually go right back to work. I have 4 preps. I teach 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th. The planning is a challenge. I hope this is not what I'm assigned next year. I'm the new kid on the block, so naturally I got assigned such a schedule. So, I'm constantly planning. And grading.
I fix dinner. Or I use the App called Yemeksepeti and order something delicious! I am falling asleep by 8:00. If I'm lucky, I make it to bed early enough to watch something on Netflix. A habit I may never break.
As I said. Routine. I'm a little homesick, but then I remember Covid and those days at home, on the couch, and I'm grateful to be working and experiencing a new culture's routine.
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